- Agg Assault (326)
- All Other Offenses (7448)
- Animal Cruelty (3)
- Arson (8)
- Assault Offenses (2751)
- Bribery (0)
- Burglary (227)
- Counterfeiting/Forgery (75)
- Curfew/Loitering/Vagrancy (1)
- Destruction/Vandalism (1829)
- Disorderly Conduct (59)
- Drug Offenses (269)
- Drunkenness (510)
- DWI (269)
- Embezzlement (47)
- Extortion/Blackmail (48)
- Family Offenses, Nonviolent (4)
- Fraud Offenses (1012)
- Gambling (14)
- GLA Recovery (108)
- Homicide (1)
- Indecent Exposure (45)
- Kidnapping/Abduction (42)
- Larceny (5525)
- Liquor Law Violations (111)
- Pornography/Obscene Material (2)
- Prostitution (2)
- Rape (6)
- Robbery (229)
- Sex Offenses, Forcible (6)
- Sex Offenses, Nonforcible (0)
- Stolen Auto (770)
- Stolen Property (4)
- Trespassing (691)
- Weapon Possess (141)
This is a web app that gathers the current crime report data from which is the local city government site Alexandria, VA uses for searching through crime reports.
The data updates daily, so the newest reports shown are from the previous day. The time of day the Alexandria Police Department updates their database varies, but for the most part it should be updated by 12 noon. Every once in a while, days will be skipped and not added by the APD.
Sometimes the data added by the APD will be incomplete. This seems to happen around holiday weekends. If this occurs, some of the data on this app will be thrown off and will not populate correctly.
Crossroad address locations, as well as exit ramps, will periodically generate incorrect GPS coordinates. -
Redirects to the domain root to refresh the list of crime reports unfiltered. (mobile only)
Shows a summary of the app functionality.
Displays links to useful resources. It will probably be the APD Twitter, Facebook and .gov crime reports site where report data comes from. Might add a call button to the non emergency police line.
Toggles the filter options available for the crime reports.
Current filters are Disposition , Month , Year , Zip and street .
The status of the report. The options are Arrest , Open and Pending . The default "Disposition" shows all dispositions.
Filter by month. The default "Month" shows all months.
2023 is the only option right now.
Zip code
Filter by zip code. The default "Zip" shows all zip codes.
Search for a street name to filter by street. When you click into the street search it will clear out any previous street search.